Oral Health Literacy and Dental Public Health
About this Course
This course presents a brief overview of the definition of health literacy, how health literacy and oral health literacy are measured, and the role of oral health literacy in promoting oral health and access to dental care in both private practice and in public health settings. It includes discussion of how oral health literacy can influence long-term oral health outcomes, and how oral health literate approaches can be integrated into private and public health organizations.
Competencies Addressed:
Demonstrate the ability to incorporate ethical reasoning and actions that promote culturally competent oral health care to individuals and populations.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, student will be able to:
Define health literacy and oral health literacy for the health care provider and dental public health professional
Describe the individual, community and public health implications of low oral health literacy
Explain strategies to communicate more clearly with patients, the public, or community
Identify aspects of an oral health literate organization and be able to suggest ways to implement oral health literate best practices
Identify low health literacy through various measurement strategies

COURSE DEVELOPER: Dr. Kathryn Ann Atchison
COURSE CONTRIBUTORS: Jessica Richards, Jennifer Holtzman
Please note that this link will take you to a survey that will ask for contact information and agreement to terms of use & license agreement. Course content includes a PowerPoint Presentation, Instructor Guide, Syllabus, and other material.
